Effects of
Korean Food
In 2008, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries conducted a clinical trial with the medical school of Cheonbuk National University on the “excellence of Korean Food and traditional food.” The health effects of Korean food were confirmed with this trial.
Furthermore, people who followed a diet based on Korean food, such as bibimbap (rice with wild herbs and vegetables), kimchi, and others, consumed more carbohydrates but showed a relatively low number on the glycemic index compared to people who followed a diet based on Western food such as pork cutlets, hamburgers and others. The insulin index was also low, which reduces the chance of getting adult diseases or diabetes.
건강해지는 음식, 한식
한국 전통음식을 꾸준히 섭취하면 서양음식에 비해 성인병 예방과 생식기능 개선, 비만 예방 등에 도움이 됩니다.
2008년 농림수산식품부와 전북대 의대는 함께 '한식 및 전통식품의 우수성에 대한 임상실험'을 진행하여 이같은 효과를 확인했다.
비빔밥. 김밥 등 한식 위주 식단을 따른 사람들은 탄수화물 섭취량이 많더라도 혈당지수가 높지 않고 인슐린 지수도 낮아 당뇨 등 성인병 위험이 상대적으로 적은 것으로 나타났다.
There were clear effects on obesity from eating gochujang (red chili paste), and doenjang (soybean paste), which are crucial ingredients in Korean food. Changes in body fat and abdominal visceral fat in groups that consumed gochujang and doenjang were observed for 12 weeks.The results showed a decrease in triglycerides in the gochujang consumption group and a decrease of visceral fat was observed in the doenjang consumption group.
The result showed that Korean food lowered insulin levels while gochujang, one of the Korean traditional fermented foods, helped reduce neutral fats. In addition, it was observed that intake of doenjang helped reduce visceral fat.
Insulin secretion levels are low
The increase of triglycerides are low
Decrease of triglycerides when consuming Gochujang
Decrease of visceral fat when consuming Doenjang

한식에서 빠질 수 없는 고추장. 된장은 비만에도 뚜렷한 효과가 있다. 고추장. 된장 섭취군의 체지방 및 복부. 내장지방 변화를 12주동안 관찰한 결과 고추장 섭취군은 중성지방, 된장 섭취군은 내장지방이 줄어들었다.
된장, 고추장
인슐린 분비지수가 낮음
중성지방 상승이 낮음
고추장 섭취시, 중성지방 감소
된장 섭취시, 내장지방 감소

Kimchi was selected as one of the world’s five healthiest foods by the American magazine Health. Kimchi is a very beneficial fermented food, enjoyed by many Koreans. In addition, it was proven that continuous consumption of kimchi prevents cancer and aging. A Rural Development Administration (RDA) research team observed the prevention effects of aging by applying a specimen of cabbage kimchi to an aging-induced cell. A normal aging-induced cell became 54% aged, while another cell, which had been given optimum mature cabbage kimchi prior to being age-induced, became only a minimum of 25% aged. It was able to function like a normal cell, which proved that kimchi has an aging prevention effect. Kimchi, especially when it has been soaked for half a month, has shown the most aging prevention effect. This is due to the fact that well-soaked kimchi has a much higher lactic acid zymogen activity. In addition, the research team proved that supplementary ingredients such as garlic, ginger, chili powder, and chives become fermented by the kimchi zymogens, resulting in the increased prevention of cancer.
According to the research, when the anti-cancer drug Cisplatin was applied to a cancer cell along with seasoned vegetables and fermented seasoned vegetables, there were significant observations to be made on the growth restraint of the cancer cell. The cancer cell with Cisplatin applied to it showed a growth restraint of about 79%. By comparison, garlic, before being fermented, showed a 47% growth restraint on the cancer cell. However, after being fermented, it showed an increase to 51% growth restraint. The same increase in growth restraint could be seen in other vegetables after being fermented, such as ginger (29% to 38%), chives, (38% to 48%), and chili powder, (46% to 56%). These seasoned vegetables, which are supplementary ingredients for kimchi, showed an increase in anti-cancer effects after fermentation.
There was some speculation that kimchi could cause cancer because of the substance in chili powder known as capsaicin, which is the main cause of the spicy taste of chili powder. However, it was proven that capsaicin actually had the effect of suppressing cancer.
Also, the highest restraint effect on cancer cells was shown in cabbage kimchi at optimum maturity. This is because, if kimchi is fermented until it reaches an optimum maturity, its ingredients interact in a way that increases the prevention of cancer
The Growth and Development Restraint Effect on Cancer Cells of Anti-cancer Drugs, Seasoned Vegetables, and Fermented Seasoned Vegetables
항암제,양념채소,발효 양념채소의 위암세포 생장 억제효과

연구결과에 따르면 함암제로 알려진 ‘시스-프라틴(Cis-platin)'과 양념채소, 발효된 양념채소를 위암세포에 처리한 결과, 79%의 암세포 성장 억제율을 보인 시스-프라틴과 비교해 마늘은 발효 전 47%에서 발효 후 51%, 생강은 29%에서 38%, 쪽파는 38%에서 48%, 고춧가루는 46%에서 56%의 암세표 성장 억제율을 보이는 것으로 조사, 양념재소가 김치 부재료로서 발효되면서 항암효과를 더욱 증가시기킨다는 것을 밝혀냈다.
특히 김치에서 암을 유발시킬 수 있는 요인으로 의심됐던 고춧가루의 매운맛을 내는 성분인 ’캡사이신‘이 암을 일으키지 않고 오히려 암 발생을 억제하는 것으로 밝혀진 것은 주목할 만하다.
또한 적숙기의 배추김치에서 가장 높은 암세포 성장 억제효과가 나타났는데, 이는 김치를 적숙기까지 발효시키면 김치 재료들이 상호작용을 일으켜 항암효과를 높일 수 있다는 사실을 입증한 것이다.
김치의 항암효과